S.C.R.D. - Feels Like (Official Video) is that uncanny, slightly awkward moment, your roommate, sibling, parent, friend, lover or neighbor walks in on you while dancing by yourself, in headphones, in a common area, like a bodega or c-store.
This new S.C.R.D. record is a break from their norm, a step left into the electronic medium in collaboration with DJ Journey & LA Fashion Photographer, Catherine Asanov, who recently stated, "I still don't get it." Nonetheless, her collaborators are pumped and excited for this release.
"Even though we just dropped an album "The Adventures Of" in December, which is doing great on Spotify and iTunes, we felt it was necessary to keep the momentum going with a release every month. We've subtly hinted at electronic sounds on our record "Legal Weed," which features soloed synths singing like voices for an entire instrumental single and album joint.
Besides, the sound has shifted. Honestly, the hottest sounds today are like what we used to make in our bedroom back in 2013-2014. Super lo-fi, good production, but not much movement or depth, sonically, even though playlist curators are so "in-tune" with this new sound. We don't really like to follow trends. We know what's good and cool, but we kinda just do our own thing. Love it, hate it, honestly, we appreciate either which every way you want to judge it.
Regardless, we write for history, eternity, and contemporary entertainment, education, and documentary purposes. Some people call what we do a borderline parody. In these times, we all need something to laugh at, seriously. We think that everyone is taking themselves too seriously. We like to have fun, and want to bring that back, to help bring us all together. Just dance.
Stream "Feels Like" on every major platform or hit up scrd.fun.