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Art Bless America (Freedom is a Privilege)
“I wasn’t afraid to try. I wasn’t afraid to die. Gave it all I got, and I’m still trying.”
Just a snippet of lyrics from a song written by Journey Will Jackson (DJ Journey) and performed by S.C.R.D. to highlight the American mentality. (The chorus).
“It’s our time to get it right. Make love not war, alright. Don’t wait until the last minute, do it while you’re living. Because freedom is a privilege.”
From the outside looking in, our country is one the world looks to as a perfect model. Men and women have built fortunes for themselves. Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook, are all trillion-dollar companies. This is what our friends around the world call the “American Dream.”
Yet, the skeletons of racism fall out of our closet every now and then. A police beating here and a biased comment there. Sweep it under the rug real quick to protect the image. I think everyone knows our past in America, but it doesn’t matter because so much greatness has come from this country. It doesn’t really matter until it matters. Now the world hears the echoes of “BLACK LIVES MATTER!”
And our friends in London say “Hell yeah, they matter! Because you gave us Hip Hop!” “Art Bless America” symbolizes the culture in America that the world respects.
“The only free nation built on creation focused on transformation for the young minds can be equal. In other words, we do this for the people.”
“Art Bless America” was written in 2015 for 2020. Our country’s greatness has outgrown its ugly past.
The world is watching America fight for something they thought we already had, equality. They are waiting on the sidelines to show us how inspirational we have been to them, and they are ready to help us create an America that can truly be great. Art will continue to bless America and eliminate hatred once and for all. Art Bless America by S.C.R.D is available on all streaming platforms.